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Philadelphia Area Arboretums
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Philadelphia Area
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Philadelphia, PA
Miles From Center City Philly:
Historic Garden With 2,600+ Plants Types
The Morris Arboretum of the University of Pennsylvania is a historic public garden and educational institution that promotes an understanding of the relationship between plants, people and places through programs that integrate science, art and the h . . .
The Morris Arboretum of the University of Pennsylvania is a historic public garden and educational institution that promotes an understanding of the relationship between plants, people and places through programs that integrate science, art and the humanities. More than 13,000 labeled plants of app . . .
Devon, PA
Miles From Center City Philly:
Garden With World-Class Collection of Rhododendrons & Azaleas
The mission of Jenkins Arboretum & Gardens is to preserve natural tranquil woodlands for community enjoyment, to showcase native plants and a world class collection of rhododendrons and azaleas, and to promote environmental horticulture through learn . . .
The mission of Jenkins Arboretum & Gardens is to preserve natural tranquil woodlands for community enjoyment, to showcase native plants and a world class collection of rhododendrons and azaleas, and to promote environmental horticulture through learning, research and conservation. The twenty acres . . .
Philadelphia, PA
Miles From Center City Philly:
The Oldest Green Space & Biopond On Penn's Campus
This green space known today the James G. Kaskey Memorial Park, or BioPond, was created in 1987, opening as a research garden on The University of Pennsylvania's campus.
This green space known today the James G. Kaskey Memorial Park, or BioPond, was created in 1987, opening as a research garden on The University of Pennsylvania's campus.
Bala Cynwyd, PA
Miles From Center City Philly:
Historic Cemetery Containing Hundreds of Mausoleums & Sculptures
Founded in 1869, West Laurel Hill Cemetery contains nearly 200 acres of gently rolling hills, mature trees and plantings, historic architectural features, hundreds of mausoleums, sculptures, and wildlife that create a true year-round pleasure garden. . . .
Founded in 1869, West Laurel Hill Cemetery contains nearly 200 acres of gently rolling hills, mature trees and plantings, historic architectural features, hundreds of mausoleums, sculptures, and wildlife that create a true year-round pleasure garden. Principal landmarks on the grounds include the Be . . .
Philadelphia, PA
Miles From Center City Philly:
One of The Nation's Few Cemeteries Named A Historic Landmark
In 1836 Laurel Hill was established as the second major "rural cemetary" in the country. Such cemeteries offered burials in bucolic, garden settings away from industrialized city hubs.
Located in East Falls along the banks of the Schuylkill River, . . .
In 1836 Laurel Hill was established as the second major "rural cemetary" in the country. Such cemeteries offered burials in bucolic, garden settings away from industrialized city hubs.
Located in East Falls along the banks of the Schuylkill River, Laurel Hill was initially developed on 32 acres o . . .
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